Are primary care stakeholders ready for artificial intelligence?

Are primary care stakeholders ready for artificial intelligence?

This is the title of a recently published article in the BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making. Terry et al., utilized a descriptive qualitative approach to identify key issues regarding the use of artificial intelligence in primary health care.
The value of such study is self-evident: 1) primary care is the cornerstone of the health system, and 2) reluctance of physicians to use digital health tools is considered a significant barrier to the digital transformation of the healthcare system.
The article discusses key challenges that emerged during the interviews for the use of AI in primary health care, while the engagement of the primary care stakeholders in the co-design process of these tools, the availability of high-quality, standardized data to support the functioning of AI tools and, the need for strong evidence for the value of these tools through continuous assessment are considered vital elements for the acceleration of the adoption of these tools.
You can access the full paper here.