Regional digital health action plan for the WHO European Region 2023-2030

Regional digital health action plan for the WHO European Region 2023-2030

The 72nd World Health Organization Regional Committee for Europe published the draft regional digital health action plan 2023-2030. The action plan intends to support EU countries in leveraging and scaling up digital transformation for better health respecting the values of equity, solidarity and human rights.
There are 4 strategic priorities discussed:
1) Setting norms, and develop guidance for better decisionmaking in digital health,
2) Enhancing countries capacities to better govern digital transformation, and advance digital literacy,
3) Networking and knowledge exchange for innovation, and
4) Landscape analysis for patient-centered solutions that can be scaled up at country or EU regional level
The draft regional action plan is submitted to the 72nd session of the WHO Regional Committee for Europe together with a draft resolution in September 2022.
You can find the draft version of the action plan here.