More innovation or valued innovation?

There is a growing optimism worldwide that digital health transformation and the implementation of digital solutions will improve the immense burden of chronic diseases to patients and the healthcare system.
Although there are obvious disparities between different national healthcare system, there is a gradual effort to accelerate the digitalization of healthcare system. In a recent article published on the entitled “Digital solutions for the prevention of chronic diseases” the key challenges of using digital solutions for the prevention of chronic diseases was discussed.
The most important challenges are:
  • The complex stakeholder landscape in healthcare,
  • The incentivization of the care providers within this new model and,
  • The value assessment of the obtained data
The last challenge mentioned promotes a vital message for the involved stakeholders and decision makers. We need technologies that bring value to the system! How these could be achieved? Through data! Impact analysis, HealthEconomics, Societal and Organizational Impact or as it is known Health Technology Assessment (HTA). The Model for Assessment Telemedicine (MAST) and the Joint Action to Support the eHealth Network (JAseHN) are the most used frameworks in the European Union for multidisciplinary process that summarizes and evaluates information about the medical, social, economic, and ethical issues related to the use of telemedicine in a systematic, unbiased, robust manner.
The information gathered through the HTA process will better align eHealth investments to health needs, as this is the key objective of the EU and the European Network for Health Technology Assessment. More information: